Site Investigations

MCC has extensive experience in delivering comprehensive services for scoping and supervising field investigations, specialising in topographic surveys, bathymetric surveys, and both land-based and marine- based geotechnical investigations. With a proven track record of successful projects, we are committed to delivering accurate, reliable, and actionable data for informed decision-making in marine infrastructure development.

Core Competencies

Scoping Field Investigations:

We excel in scoping field investigations, understanding project requirements, and tailoring survey methodologies to provide the most relevant and comprehensive data for marine infrastructure projects.

Topographic Surveys:

Our expert team employs state-of-the-art technology to conduct precise topographic surveys, capturing detailed land features to support project planning, design, and construction.

Bathymetric Surveys:

We specialize in the procurement of bathymetric surveys, utilizing advanced equipment to map underwater terrain with high accuracy. Our surveys support navigation, dredging, and the design of marine structures.

Marine and Land-Based Geotechnical Investigations:

MCC procures thorough geotechnical investigations to analyse soil and seabed and subsurface conditions. This critical information guides foundation design, ensuring stability and safety while mitigating risks associated.

Data Analysis and Interpretation:

We provide in-depth analysis and interpretation to extract meaningful insights that form the foundation for informed decision-making and the design of marine and civil works.

Supervision and Quality Assurance:

Our experienced team ensures the highest standards of field investigation by providing rigorous supervision and quality assurance throughout the surveying and investigation process.